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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Compositions 33 & 34(technology and urban)

The age of information technology has taken a lot of people by surprise. While it has become a way for some, others know very little about it and may be unlikely to learn. Eventually we will have a poor society and this will lead to serious social problems. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Information technology is one of the latest achievements of man. It has made sudden progress in recent years. Many countries have just begun to introduce it. On the other hand it has become a way of life in some advanced countries. Modern trade and business is fully dependent on it.


In developing countries people living in the urban areas have access to this technology. On the other hand those living in rural areas may have not even heard of it. Likewise while this technology helps the advanced nations to progress rapidly, the undeveloped nations take much longer to catch up.
The global progress will not be uniform. While some nations will progress at a faster pace some will progress at a slower rate.

On the other hand it is also true that the advanced nations give financial aid to underdeveloped nations so that they can progress faster. Organizations like UNO, the World Bank also assist developing nations by providing financial aid and technological help. So there needn’t be any fear that polarization of society will take place.

There should be no disparity of any kind. It leads to exploitation. All the countries and all sections of the society must be at par. Society should not get polarized. There are world organizations to see that all countries progress at the same rate and that no misbalance is there. With the globalization setting in even the advanced nations forthcoming is helpful to the developing nations.

There is continuing migration from the countryside to urban areas in most countries of the world more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing, education and health of their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural. Write for or against.

In all countries of the world there is a continuous migration of people from the rural areas to the urban areas. In the rural areas agriculture is the main occupation of the people. For some parts of the world the people are not employed. They have no work to do. The landless are often unemployed or exploited. As generations succeed the land gets divided and subdivided. Each successor gets a smaller share. The land is not sufficient to feed so many mouths. People are forced to migrate to urban areas.

There are better educational and employment opportunities in the urban areas. Here the standard of living and the quality of life is good.

Migration is a worldwide phenomenon. It takes place in the developing countries as well as advanced countries. Migration is slower to advanced countries.

In developing countries 80% people live in the rural areas. The economy of such nations depends entirely on agriculture. Developing the rural areas in short span of time is impossible. It can be developed over a long period of time. Hence the government in these countries should focus on the development of urban areas.
As people continue to migrate to towns and cities the population in such areas increases. New problem arise of housing, sanitation, clean drinking water, education, etc. The government can provide all these amenities by improving the industrial base. This will also create more employment opportunities.

The development of the rural areas will take several years. It can be achieved only in the long run. Development of the rural areas can be carefully planned over a period of several years. The nations must find a short-term solution. The short¬term solution is development of the urban sector.


As only 80% people live in the rural areas, the government should give top priority to the development of the rural areas. It must find a long-term solution for this problem. By developing the industrial base the government will be able to solve the problems of the urban areas. This will not solve the root cause of the problem or help the people in the rural areas. Developing the rural areas in a difficult task. It can solve problems for 80% of the people.
By dividing funds to the rural areas, food production will also go up.

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