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Friday, 20 September 2013

Compositions 16 & 17 (one child & training)

Some families have many children while others have only one child. Think about the positive and negative aspects of being in a family with several children. What size of family seems best? Why?

In earlier times the size of the families used to be large. The number of children used to be between five and ten. The people were proud to have many children. The people living in villages are mostly farmers. They still prefer to go for a large family as they will have many helping hands on the field. The people living in urban areas have now started opting for small families and going for one child.

One cannot deny that there are certain advantages of having many children. The children have good company. They don’t suffer from loneliness. They have many brothers and sisters with whom they can share their feelings, joys and sorrows. They learn how to share and help each other. They are emotionally stronger and more balanced. Their emotional needs are satisfied. They have less psychological problems.

Nowadays it is difficulty to have many children and bring them up well. There are many mouths to feed. The love and attention of the parents is divided. It is difficult to provide good education and other facilities to so many. Sometimes a child may feel neglected or unloved, as the needs and requirements of each and every child cannot be met. Rivalry or jealousy may arise among them. The land or the property gets divided and subdivided. As a result each gets a smaller share.

The cost of living and the standard of living is rising day by day. It is now becoming difficult to maintain large families. Hence many couples have started going for one child. This way they are able to provide better quality education, food and other facilities. The child gets undivided attention from the parents. However he is without the love and affection of brothers and sisters. He often suffers from loneliness and sometimes other psychological problems. He is pampered by his parents. As a result he may be self-centered.

I personally feel that couples should have only one child because it is difficult to bring up a large family with many children. The parents can’t look after them property and fulfill everyone’s needs. So though large families are great fun, it is difficult to sustain them.

Business, education and training today must promote environmental awareness.


Technological advances continue to improve manufacturing efficiency. 'Government needs to control the environment’.

Rapid technological progress has led to rapid industrialisation. Industrialisation has made man’s life comfortable and raised the standard of living. A nation’s progress is judged by the extent of its industrialization. But industrialization has greatly damaged the environment. Environmental preservation is a burning issue. Environment is rapidly deteriorating due to pollution. Man is very much concerned about its preservation.

Many towns are choking with industrial pollution. In cold countries smog is formed early in the morning and in the night. The smoke that comes out of the chimneys of the factories is poisonous as it contains carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. When these poisonous gases combine with fog smog is formed which remains trapped in the lower layers of the atmosphere. Anyone who inhales the smog can die instantly.

The industries discharge harmful chemicals into rivers, which also reach the sea. This destroys aquatic and marine life. The industries dump their solid waste on land, which pollutes the soil and the underground water.
The rising level of carbon dioxide is damaging the ozone layer, which protects us from the harmful ultra violet rays of the sun.

Since it is the industries themselves that cause harm to the environment, it becomes necessary that environment protection should be a part of business education. Awareness about the importance of protecting the environment should be created at the college level. The students should be involved in the preservation of environment by being actively involved in projects. There should also be seminars, debates and discussions.

Once the industries are established they are fully capable of managing their resources and need minimum help. The government can than gradually begin to withdraw support from such industries. The money thus saved should then be diverted to environmental protection which is an issue of national and international importance.

The government must frame rules and regulations, which should be enforced upon the industries. Industries that don’t observe them should be penalized.

Effluent plants for the treatment of liquid or solid waste run into crores of rupees. Hence many industries cannot afford to set up effluent treatment plants. It is government that has to set up such plants.
Man is aware of the damage being caused to the environment but he is basically selfish. He is more concerned about his gains. He is still not taking the situation seriously. The government and the voluntary agencies have a very vital role to play. We must act fast otherwise man will have to pay a heavy price for his progress.

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