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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Compositions 78 ( third-level education)

Is a third-level education necessary for success?

It is very difficult to answer the claim that a person needs a university education to be successful in life because success in life means different things to different . people. This essay starts by defining three different ideas of success. Following this, it looks at which types of success are dependent on a university education.

Success in life can be achieved in different ways. Many magazines and television programmes tel! us that success means having a lot of money, having a fulfilling career, and being powerful. In contrast, most religious and spiritual organizations claim that success means finding spiritual happiness and being at peace with God and with yourself. Another idea of success focuses on relationships - being surrounded by people who love you and care about you, spending time with family and friends.

A university education can help you achieve some types of success, but it makes little or no difference to whether or not you are successful in other areas of life. Undoubtedly, a university education is essential if you want to have a career in a. profession such as law, engineering, teaching, or medicine However, you do not need a university degree to become a wealthy and powerful movie star, sports star or businessperson. In fact, a university education does not generally enable you to achieve spiritual happiness, or to have successful relationships with family and friends.

Sin conclusion, there are many different types of success. A university education may help you to achieve professional success in some careers. However, it will not help you to achieve success in other areas of your life such as your spiritual life or your relationships.

Compositions 76 & 77( drugs and financial assistance)

Should animals be used in testing new drugs and procedures?

Medical research involving animals has dramatically improved the health of the human race. Without animal testing, the cure for polio would not exist and diabetics would suffer or die from their disease. Despite these benefits, some people believe that animals should be not be used for testing medical techniques and drugs. This essay will outline the advantages of animal testing.

Animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs. Animals such as monkeys or rabbits have similar physical processes to humans. This allows scientists to test the effects of certain drugs if a drug produces adverse effects in animals it is probably unfit for human use.

. Animal testing is a cheap. There is a large supply of animals for medical research. Animals are easily bred, and maintained safely in controlled labs. The costs of testing in humans would be extremely high.

Many people argue that animal testing is cruel. In some cases this is true. However it would be much more cruel to test new drugs on people or children, or to let people die because there was not enough information about a drug. Furthermore, legislation in most countries sets standards for animal treatment, and laboratories have guidelines to prevent cruelty.

Opponents of animal research also say that information from animals does not apply to humans. They point to certain commercial drugs which have been withdrawn because of side-effects in humans. While it is true that animal systems differ from human systems, there are enough similarities to apply information from animals to humans.

Animal rights campaigners claim that we don’t need new tests because we already have vast amounts of information. However, many new deadly infections appear every year and new treatments and drugs are needed to combat these deadly plagues.

Animal testing is needed in the world we live in. Our responsibility is to manage the animals in our care and balance their suffering against the good that comes from them.

The government should provide more financial assistance to parents who use childcare.

The government should provide more financial assistance to parents who use childcare. Childcare centres may assist children in their early development. They give children an opportunity to mix up with other children and to develop social skills at an early age. Parents and children need to spend some time apart. Children become less dependent on their parents and parents themselves are less stressed and more effective care-givers when there are periods of separation.

 Parents who cannot go to work because they don’t have access to childcare facilities cannot contribute to the national economy. They are not able to utilize their productive skills and do not pay income tax. Government support for childcare services assists individual families and is important for the economic well-being of the whole nation. Recent studies indicate that the parent-child relationship can be improved by the use of high-quality childcare facilities. A whole range of learning occurs in childcare centres.

 Non-working partners can become a drain on the tax system through dependent spouse and other rebates.

Compositions 74 & 75 (telecommunication and animal test)

How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting?

(Definition: Telecommuting: Workers doing all or part of their work from home and communicating with their office by computer.)

Telecommuting: will it change the world?

Telecommuting will have major effects in the worlds or work and family life. However, its biggest effect will be in the area of individual freedom, responsibility, and time management.

Work and workplace will alter dramatically. Offices may become smaller, as fewer desks are needed. There will be greater need for high bandwidth connections to link the office and the home, and even homes to other homes, as other employees and supervisors also begin working at home. Hours spent commuting, traffic jams, and fights for parking should diminish, as workers make fewer journeys or work staggered hours.
Family life will also change. Workers, both husbands and wives, can arrange their work around family commitments such as taking children to school, cooking,leisure activities, etc. However, households will also have to set aside areas for work particularly if both spouses are telecommuting.

However, although the ideas of more time at home and less time travelling are attractive, there are some drawbacks to telecommuting. People may feel unable to escape their work, and may even work longer or more unsocial hours. The quality of work may suffer because of the reduced face-to-face interaction with other employees. There may be delays if other workers are not immediately available. Telecommuters may feel isolated or unmotivated, or insecure about decisions. A major change will be in the way people think about work as a place or an institution. Instead, they will focus on the task or product. Workers may feel less loyal to a company and more inclined to change jobs or work part-time or on contract.

In conclusion, the effects are difficult to predict because they depend on the extent to which telecommuting becomes popular. However, telecommuting could be the start of a major societal shift, possibly as big as the Industrial Revolution which created our present ideas of work.

Animal testing.

Everyday, thousands of people are saved from painful diseases and death by powerful medical drugs and treatments. This credible gift of medicine would not be possible without animal testing. Despite these overwhelming benefits, however, some people are called for animal testing to be banned because of alleged cruelty. This essay will examine arguments for and against animal testing.

Those against the use of animal testing claim that it is inhumane to use animals in experiments. I disagree completely. It would be much more inhumane to test new drugs on children or adults. Even if it were possible, it would also take much longer to see potential effects, because of the length of time we five compared to laboratory animals such as rats or rabbits.

Opponents of animal testing also claim that the results are not applicable to humans. This may be partly true. Some drugs have had to be withdrawn, despite testing. However, we simply do not have alternative methods of testing. Computer models are not advanced enough, and testing on plants is much less applicable to humans than tests on animals such as monkeys. Until we have a better system, we much use animal testing. A further point often raised against animal testing is that it is cruel. Some of the tests certainly seem painful, but the great majority of people on this planet eat meat or wear leather without any guilt. Where is their sympathy for animals? Furthermore, animals clearly do not feel the same way as humans, and scientists are careful to minimize stress in the animals, since this would damage their research.

I agree that we need to make sure that animals who are used for testing new products have the minimum of suffering. However, I am convinced that animal testing is necessary, and that it will continue to benefit humans in new and wonderful ways.

Compositions 72 & 73 (smoking be banned completely and children learn more quickly)

Should smoking be banned completely?

It has become fashionable in the world today to condemn smoking. However, although I feel that smoking can be harmful. I do not think it should be banned completely.

Let me deal first with the positive side of smoking. First, smoking undoubtedly helps many people to relax. For some, it even improves concentration. Many people like to smoke before exams or when they are relaxing with friends.

A further point is that governments throughout the world make huge profits from levying taxes on cigarettes. This provides funds which are used for building schools, hospitals and other public amenities.
The tobacco industry also employs tens of thousands of people throughout the world, particularly in poorer countries like Zimbabwe of India. Without cigarettes, these people would have no jobs.

I would also argue that people should have the right to choose whether they smoke or not. People should not smoke in a room where there are non-smokers but surely they should be free to smoke elsewhere.
The arguments against smoking are well known. Smoking has been shown to be dangerous to health Heart disease, bronchitis and lung cancer have all been linked.

A further issue is that smoking costs governments millions of pounds because of the large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking related problems.

There is also concern today about passive smoking. Recent research has shown that non-smokers can suffer health problems if they spend long periods of time among people who do smoke.

In general, I think the world would be a better place without cigarettes. However, the decision as to whether to smoke or not should be for each individual to make.

Do children learn more quickly than adults?

Small children seem to learn very quickly, while adults sometimes appear to lose the ability to pick up new subject such as languages, music, games, or computer programs. In this essay, I will discuss whether children or adults make the best learners. 

It is undoubtedly true that children seem to learn very quickly. In just a few years, "w they can learn how to play a musical instrument, speak one or even two new languages, and deal with many subjects at school. They even have time for sports and hobbies, and become experts in their favorite pastimes. However, how much of this is social pressure and how much is genetic? I am convinced that while children’s brains have a natural ability to absorb new information as part of their developmental growth, much of their achievement is because of social pressure. Schools force them to take many subjects. Parents force them to practice new sports or to learn music. Even their playmates force them to become better at computer games or to read Harry Potter novels faster. In summary, children may enjoy learning, but their environment also is a big motivating factor.

Adults on the other hand are supposed to be poor learners. However, I disagree with people who say that adults cannot learn quickly. Adults have many skills that compensate for the decline in the ability of the brain to grasp and remember new material. 

They can organize their learning by setting times for reading or practice. They can build on skills and experiences they know already. Adults usually cannot learn to do ballet or to play the violin, but even despite these physical challenges, their motivation can often be higher than a child’s. Unfortunately, society does not encourage many adults to learn. People are busy with families and work, and some adults may feel that further learning is pointless, since they have already achieved many goals at work or in their personal life. 

In conclusion, I fee! that we cannot generalize about children or adults being better learners. It depends on the situation and the motivation of the person, and the level of enthusiasm he or she has for learning.

Compositions 67,68 & 69(governments money and citizens )

Should governments spend money on art, when they have so many other important issues and concerns?

Art is a basic human need. Governments have a responsibility to spend money on art for their citizens. Throughout the ages, man has tried to create beauty through painting, music, sculpture and other artistic expression. It seems to be a basic need of humans to surround themselves with art. However some people feel that government money spent on art is wasted, particularly when there are so many other demands on it. This essay will examine the conflict between those who say art is important and those who feel it is a waste of money.

It can be wrong for governments to spend large sums of money on art. Too often, governments spend unwisely. They spend money on art not because a picture is good or a museum is needed, but for political reasons. Cities end up with huge statues or empty expensive buildings that are used only by a few people. Another point is that the artworks are often chosen to represent social or political rather than artistic ideas. The city gets yet another statue of the leader or an ugly monument to national aspirations. A third point is that governments often respond to fashions, and tastes in art can change very rapidly. Without careful advice an expensive collection of worthless paintings or tasteless productions can be the result.

However, it would be wrong to say that governments should not spend any money at all on art. Painters, musicians, and composers cannot survive without financial support. Rich people or large companies do finance art, but then it is often inaccessible to ordinary people. Governments have a duty to make this art available to everyone. However, the most important reason why governments should support the arts is because an appreciation of art is one of the things that makes life worthwhile. Humans do not need just shelter and food.

Creative people have always tried to look at things in a new way and to make the world a better place through painting, music, poetry, calligraphy, sculpture, dance, and numerous other forms of expression. While art may not make us immortal, it does make the world a richer place for future generations.

In conclusion, although people do not to be provided with the necessities of life, such as housing and medical cars, governments also have a duty to provide their citizens with something more. They should make sure that they pass on beauty, ideas and expression to the next generation and make art available to all instead of being the possession of only the few. I firmly believe that spending money on art is a vital part of a government’s responsibility, and I am confident that my country will be able to contribute its share to the richness of the world’s art and creativity.


Art is a basic human need. Governments have a responsibility to spend money on art for their citizens.

Many people’s lives are richer because of art - music, paintings, calligraphy, pictures, sculpture, poems and dance. However, some people feel that governments should be spending money on housing, medical care, or defence, instead of on art. This essay will discuss whether governments should or should not spend money on the arts.

There are several reasons why governments should not finance artists. First of all, artists should have to follow the same rules as the rest of the market. If there is a demand for their music or sculpture, then they will be rich. Secondly, politicians generally do not have good taste. They will waste public money on popular art or on their own preferences. But the main reason why governments should minimize spending on the art world is that there are more important areas like housing, roads, hospitals and factories which need the money first.

However, it would be wrong to say that governments should not spend any money at all on art. Everybody needs some beauty in their life, but not everyone can afford a Picasso or a piece of music. Governments should provide money for museums or concert halls for everyone. Another point is that .art allows people to express themselves and this is good for society, culture and thought. Thirdly, artists can be good for the economy by producing music, films, and attracting tourists.

All in all, governments should prioritize their spending carefully, but they should also allocate some of their budget for art. It is part of their duty to society and to future generations.

Compositions 65 & 66(dangerous sports and security cameras in public places)

In the fight against crime, police forces and governments are increasingly using security cameras in public places. Some people are opposed to this, saying that it invades our privacy. What do you think?

Security cameras have become ubiquitous in many countries. Whereas before they appeared only in banks and at high security areas, they are now entering public places such as mails, streets, stadiums and transport. Many people feel this affects their privacy. This essay will examine whether the advantages of these cameras outweigh their negative impact.

Surveillance cameras have several benefits. An obvious benefit is that the police can catch criminals in the act, thus reducing crime. This will make the streets safer for ordinary people. A more important point is that criminals, particularly young offenders or petty criminals will be deferred. They will not be tempted to carry out crimes, and thus society will be a lot safer. Cameras are also cost-effective and unobtrusive. Authorities do not need to spend large amounts of money on police.

However, security cameras are far from being a perfect solution. The biggest objection concerns privacy. Many people feel that they should be free to travel or  move around a shop, mall, street or country without being photographed or recorded. They feel that being watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their freedom because of these devices. Another point is that although the police say that only criminals have something to fear from the cameras, many people do not trust governments with too much information. Corrupt authorities could use information in the wrong way or twist it to victimize some groups. Thirdly, cameras and computers can make mistakes.

In conclusion, although there are definite advantages to using surveillance devices such as cameras, we need to balance the need for security with respect for the individual’s privacy and freedom. If we do not trust the members of society, a situation like George Orwell’s “1984” could be the result.

Should dangerous sports such as boxing or motor-racing be banned?

Millions of people sport every day, and, inevitably, some suffer injury or pain. Most players and spectators accept this risk. However, some people would like to see dangerous sports such as boxing banned. This essay will examine some of the reasons for banning certain sports.

Some sports are nothing but an excuse for violence. Boxing is a perfect example. The last thing an increasingly violent world needs is more violence on our television. The sight of two men (or even women) bleeding, with faces ripped open, trying to obliterate each other is barbaric. Other sports, such as American football or rugby, are also barely-concealed violence.

Some people argue that the players can choose to participate. However this is not always the case. Many boxers, for example, come from disadvantaged background. They are lured by money or by social or peer pressure and then cannot escape. Even in richer social groups, schools force unwilling students to play aggressive team sports, claiming that playing will improve the students’ character (or the school’s reputation), but in fact increasing the risk of injury.

Even when people can choose, they sometimes need to be protected against themselves. Most people approve of governments’ efforts to reduce smoking. In the same way, governments need to act if there are unacceptably high levels of injuries in sports such as football, diving, mountaineering, or motor-racing.
I accept that all sports involve challenge and risk. However violence and aggression should not be permitted in the name of sport. Governments and individuals must act to limit brutally and violence, so that children and adults can enjoy and benefit from sport.

Compositions 63 & 64(School Dropouts and Is Education Being Devalued)

Is Education Being Devalued?

In the past, degrees were very unusual in my family. I remember the day my uncle graduated. We had a huge party, and for many years my mother called him “the genius” and listened to his opinion. Today, in comparison five of my brothers and sisters have degrees, and two are studying for their masters’. However, some people think that this increased access to education is devaluing degrees. In this essay, I will look at some of the arguments for and against the increased emphasis on degrees in our society.

People have several arguments against the need for degrees. They say that having so many graduates devalues a degree. People lose respect for the degree holder. It is also claimed that education has become a rat race. Graduates have to compete for jobs even after years of studying. Another point is that studying for such a long time leads to learners becoming inflexible. They know a lot about one narrow subject, but are unable to apply their skills. Employers prefer more flexible and adaptable workers.

However, I feel strongly that this move to having more qualifications is a positive development. In the past education was only for the rich and powerful. Now it is available to everyone, and this will have many advantages for the country and the individual. First of all, it is impossible to be over educated. 

The more people are educated, the better the world will be, because people will be able to discuss and exchange ideas. A further point is that people with degrees have many more opportunities. They can take a wider variety of jobs and do what they enjoy doing, instead of being forced to take a job they dislike. Finally, a highly educated worldforce is good for the economy of the country. It attracts foreign investment.
in conclusion, although there are undoubtedly some problems with increased levels of education, I feel strongly that the country can only progress if all its people are educated to the maximum of their ability.

School Dropouts: Problems and Solutions.

Most students in the UAE complete school, a large number still drop out because of family, social and work pressures. This problem requires serious action from both individuals and the government.
Most students who do not complete school do so because of family problems. Girls, especially, want to get married and start a family. Some parents are not interested in education and do not support their children in studying. Social problems are also a continuing factor.

 Education is compulsory but, despite this, some people do not take it seriously. Furthermore, jobs are available even if students do not have a good education. The third reason is work pressure. Some families are poor and need their children to work in order to increase the income. All these problems will create young people who do not have any skills and who will not be able to improve their lives for the family and the country.

There are several things that can be done about these problems. Parents should be encouraged to send their children to school. Schools with baby-minded facilities should be opened specially for married students The governments needs to stress the importance of education and even offer financial support to students to continue. This will encourage students to stay at school rather than start working.

Compositions 61 & 62( Education Losing its Value and Drug abuse)

Drug abuse is becoming a problem in our society. What are the causes of this and what are some solutions?

Drug abuse is rife in many countries. Billions of dollars are spent internationally preventing drug use, treating addicts, and fighting drug-related crime. Although drugs threaten many societies, their effects can also be combated successfully. This essay looks at some of the effects of drug use on society, and suggests some solutions to the problem.

Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities. The medical and psychological effects are very obvious. Addicts cannot function as normal members of society. They neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require expensive treatment or hospitalization. The second effect is on crime. Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling and dealing. Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds develop with the money from drugs.

However, the menace of drugs can be fought. Education is the first battle. Children need to be told at home and in school about drugs. People need to be aware of the effects so that they can make avoid this problem. A second approach is or increase police manpower and powers to stop dealers and to enforce the law. 

However the main target should be the user. Families and counselors need to talk to children and people at risk. Parents need to look at their children and help them. Jobs are needed to give people a role in society.
In conclusion, although the problem of drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there are concrete steps that can be taken to weaken the hold of drugs on society. The danger from drugs is too great to ignore.

Is Education Losing its Value?

Today it seems to be universally accepted that increased education is a good thing. Thousands of companies and millions of students spend vast amounts of time and money chasing pieces of paper. But what is the value of these qualifications? This essay will discuss whether education has been devalued.

Supporters of education (usually teachers or educators, or those in the business of education) say increased levels of education will open doors for students. Certificates, diplomas and degrees are held up status symbol, a passport to a private club of money and power.

However, the truly powerful are not those with degrees, but people who stand back and look at what is more important in life. These people are found in every part of society. Like many brilliant people, Einstein was a weak math student. Like many successful businessmen, Bill Gates never completed college. Like many inventive and creative people, Edison never went to school. The greatest religious teachers do not have letters after their name. Similarly many of the world’s political leaders do not have master’s degrees or doctorate. These are the people who shape our lives, and they are too busy with real life to spend time in the purchase.

Students in college are being sold an illusion. They are made to believe that self- understanding and society approval will come with the acquisition of a piece of paper. Instead of thinking for themselves, and finding their own personality and strengths, they are fitted like square pegs into round holes, in so-called professional jobs. The role of education is to prepare masses on people to operate at low levels of ability in a very limited and restricted range of activities. Some of these activities are perhaps more challenging than the assembly lines of the past, but the ultimate purpose is equally uninteresting. More worryingly, despite the increased level of education, people are still not genuinely expected to think for themselves. In fact, the longer years of schooling make the job of brainwashing even easier.

There is still a role for study, research and education. However, we need to examine our emphasis on education for the sake of a piece of paper, and to learn the real meaning and revolutionary challenge of knowledge.

Compositions 59 & 60( animal testing and dangerous sports)

Animal Testing.

Animal testing may be necessary, but we need to be merciful. Even/ year, millions of animals undergo painful suffering or death as a result of scientific research into the effects of drugs, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products. While most people think animal testing is necessary, others are upset by what they see as needless suffering. This essay looks at some of the positive and negative aspects of animal testing.

Many medical treatments and procedures have been developed from experiments on animals. Since animals share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs before pilot testing on small groups of patients. Medical teams practice new operating techniques such as transplants on animals. Without animal testing, many procedures or new drugs would be extremely unsafe.

However, many people are concerned that animals are suffering unnecessarily and cruelty. They do not believe that every new drug needs to be tested on animals, especially with the huge database of knowledge and modern computer models. They also are worried that many animal tests are ineffective, pointing out that any drugs have had to be withdrawn from the market despite extensive testing. They particularly feel that animal testing should not be used for non- essential products such as cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, and cleaning products. Furthermore, some campaigns would like to see certain tests replaced and more human methods used.

We need to take sure that the millions of animals who are used for testing now products are treated with minimum of suffering. Although some animal testing be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures as mercifully as possible will demonstrate our humanity.

Should dangerous sports be banned?

Today, many sports are becoming increasingly regulated. Boxing, rugby, soccer, and other games are being targeted by sports bodies and medical organizations in an effort to improve safety standards and to reduce injuries. However, for some people, this is not enough, and they would rather see some dangerous sports to be banned completely. In this essay, I will examine some arguments against banning dangerous sports.

Sports, competition, and games seem to be natural to humans. Young children learn their own limits and strengths through play with others, but they also learn valuable social lessons about what acceptable behavior and the rights of others. Sport therefore is not just a physical phenomenon, but a mental and social one.

Challenging sport provides a healthy, largely safe, physical outlet for aggression. There is very little evidence to show that people who take part in dangerous sports become violent as a result. In fact it is more likely that apart from the many friendships created in playing, sport acts as a safety valve for a society by reducing stress. Moreover, sport teaches and requires discipline, training, and respect for the rules - valuable lessons in any society.

Almost all sports involve some risk. Young rugby players are paralysed every year in scrums. Scuba diving accidents can lead to brain damage or death. Even golf or jogging can lead to pain or injury. Without some elements of risk or challenge, sport becomes meaningless. A marathon runner trying to improve his time, basketball players fiercely battling an opposing team, or a sky-diving team defying gravity - all are trying to push themselves to their maximum. There is therefore no sport without danger.

There is also the issue of freedom. Without a wide range of sports, many people would feel trapped or limited. People should be free to participate in activities with others as long as it does not affect the safety of non-participants.

There also should be limits to the power of governments to ban sports. If one sport is banned because of alleged danger, than what sport would be next? Boxing is the most common target of opponents of dangerous sports. But if boxing is banned, would motor racing follow, then rugby, wrestling, or weightlifting? Furthermore, many sports would got underground, leading to increased injury and illegal gambling.

Nobody denies that regulation is needed. Medical bodies have introduced safety rules in boxing, in soccer, and these safety regulations have been welcomed by players. But the role of government should be reduced.
In conclusion, our society would be healthier if more people took part in sports of all kinds. We should continue to try to prevent accidents and injuries. However, we should also ensure that sports are challenging, exciting, and, above all, fun.

Compositions 57 & 58(international language and one career)

Discuss the need of an international language. 

This is an age of globalization. We now think of a global culture. Rapid improvement in transportation and communication facilities has increased the mobility of man. The world has become a small place. People are now eager to go to foreign land for better educational and employment facilities. International trade and business has increased at a fast pace.

One of the major problems faced by the migrants or those who travel frequently is that of communication. A common medium of communication is required so that the foreigners can communicate their ideas and thoughts without much difficulty. These foreigners come from diverse cultural backgrounds and speak diverse languages. Hence there should be an international language.

An international language can strengthen the feeling of oneness. It will narrow down the cultural differences. In a global culture there should be one language. It can boost international relations, trade commerce between nations. International business has increased manifold and the multinational companies are setting up their branches all over the world.

The question that arises is which language should be chosen as the international language. If particular language is chosen as the international language it can hurt the sentiments and pride of people. Every country is proud of its language. Its language is a reflection of its culture. If the sentiments hurt and there is resentment it can adversely affect peaceful relations among some nations.

If the international language receives undue importance it can stunt the development of other national languages as well as the regional languages spoken in any particular country. An international language should not lead to conflicts among the nations or even become a controversial issue.

However there is no doubt that we need an international language. English should preferably be the language for international communication as it is spoken in many parts of the world. It is also easy to tell. The script is the same as that of French, German and so on. All the nations will have to be board minded willing to accept it as the international language.

In favour of one career.

Should we ignore the well known saying “the master of one and jack of all”. Ours is an ever expanding, ever grading world. This is the world of specialization. Excellence in one field always pays to all him and other. Such a persona has specialized knowledge of one subject and specialized skills i.e. master. So, he has a rich variety of skills, keys and clues. He possesses a master key. He can unlock any complicated locks. He had resourcefulness and problem solving attitude. He reads of one subject, thinks of one and dreams of only one subject. He proves to be a valuable asset. He can prove himself to be a friend, a guide and a philosopher. He is an evergreen, ever expanding', ever inviting and ever upgrading personality.

in favour of more than one careers:

Now a days the world is becoming extremely complicated. Each person, each career, each job, each industry and all trades are closely related and interwoven. If person with more than one career greatly needed. A person has often to work as marketing managers, as computer experts, as a good correspondent, as a liaison officer or a mechanic. 

In the age of cutthroat competitions person with more than one career gets job easier. He is more rewarded. He saves the expenditure of the concern by acting as more than one career person.

In relatively smaller unit and smaller concerns he is more preferred. He has least chances of losing his job. Even if he loses job, he has more chances to get job elsewhere. A person with two careers can administer better. He can guide, supervise and assist better in many fields and sections. His actions are better, his decisions are brighter and his results are more fruitful. He is more valued, more honored and more credited. He can interact better.

He understands better. He extends his capabilities, potentialities and foresight. As a result of this he is always demanded, even in recession and severe competition. In emergency he can easily exchange his career to adjust under special bitter circumstances. So more career prove to be an evergreen, ever inviting and ever upgrading phenomenon. As such, it is now time say, it is now indispensable for youngsters to go for more than one career to march with to be in consonance with the rapidly changing world.

Compositions 55 & 56 (sculptors and leisure activities)

Should leisure activities be educative or non-educative?

Everyone likes to pursue certain activities in their leisure time. These provide diversion from daily activities like studies, household chores, routine office work, tensions and problems. These activities are healthy and contribute to our mental and physical wellbeing. They also provide healthy entertainment and refreshment. All leisure activities our batteries and provide fresh impetus to do out daily activities.

Activities, which provide pure entertainment, are watching films, television serials, going for outings and picnics with friends and family members. Man is a social animal and he likes to indulge in social activities. It gives him emotional and psychological strength.

It too provides an opportunity to socialize, and are a good form of exercise. There are variety of outdoor sports like cricket, football, swimming and horse riding which are very energetic. It is good for the physical growth of the children. It strengthens the muscles of the body and improves the blood circulation.
Indoor activities like chess, carom, reading listening to music and so on are preferred by those who are reserved or have less time at their disposal.

Leisure activities can be both educative as well as non-educative. People who give a great deal of importance to self-development prefer to make productive use of their time. They generally indulge in activities that are educative rather then those which give pure entertainment.

Activities like reading, drawing, cooking, handicrafts, learning to play musical instruments are watching educational programmes are educative and entertaining.

What types of activities the children pursue depends upon the hiking and inclination of each individual. But in my opinion one should also pursue activities that are educative too. It greatly contributes to ones learning and experience. But at the same time all educative activities should also have some element of entertainment. 

However some may find no element of entertainment in certain educative activities.

Should sculptors of leaders be at road cross?

People like to keep statues of their national leaders or prominent persons at road- crossings, public buildings or parks to show their respect and admiration for them. This is so in all the countries.

Such statues also add aesthetic beauty to the public places and the citizens feel proud of their leaders. These statues are a constant reminder of the great service they rendered to the society. They are a continuous source of inspiration to the future generations even after they are dead. They remain alive in the memory of the people forever.

Road crossings are the best places where these statues can be put up. While traveling to their places of work or studies the people see them daily and pay tribute to them. They can try to imbibe new values and principles.

However there are certain disadvantages of keeping these statues at road crossings. They create obstacles in the middle of the road. They make the road crossings narrow and people are often mentally preoccupied with their work or problems. Because they see the statues daily they become indifferent and the statues fail to inspire them.

There is some expenditure annually to maintain them. Birds spoil the statues with their droppings. Sometimes the placement of the statues of eminent persons creates controversies. Some people may feel that road crossings are not really the right places to keep statues of such great eminence and importance to the world.
The memory of the national leaders can be kept alive through films, television serials, articles, books, and so on. However the putting up of statues at road crossings is a constant source of visual stimuli.

Compositions 53 & 54 ( old monuments and traditional dress)

Every city has old monuments. Should they be demolished or should they be preserved? Argue both sides of the issue.

Every old city or town has important old monuments that have historic value. Old cities Delhi, Jaipur, Udaipur, Agra, Lucknow and so on are famous for their famous monuments. They have old churches, mosques, gardens, forts, palace and gates, which are a rich heritage of the nation on the whole. The people feel proud of their rich cultural heritage.

The buildings have great historical value. They are therefore a great tourist attraction and nation to earn valuable foreign exchange by attracting tourists.

These monuments provide the people a glimpse of what life must have been in the older days. It reflects the ancient culture and architectural tradition. They are a link with the past. They are a source of inspiration to modern architecture for its beauty.

On the other hand it is also true that maintenance of these buildings is not an easy task. The expenditure of these buildings is heavy. Poor or developing nations cannot afford well to look after these buildings. They face a huge shortage of funds.

Pollution due to heavy traffic or industrialization causes damage to these buildings. Sometimes it becomes necessary to shut down or shift these polluting units in the interest of these monuments. For instance the refineries near the Taj Mahal in Agra had to be shifted from there.

The towns and cities are getting crowded due to increasing urbanization and migration of people for the rural areas. As a result these buildings were pulled down and new houses built. There is a growing shortage of land in these towns.

I would like to conclude that these buildings should not be demolished for it will adversely affect tourist industry for it provides a source of livelihood to people. Moreover these ancient monuments are a matter pride for the nations.

Every country has its own traditional dress. What is the importance of the traditional dress?

The national costume has its own glamour and importance. The people of all the nations feel proud of their national costume. The national costume reflects the culture of that country, the life style and traditions.
Traditional dress is worn on religious occasions, religious festivals, family functions and social functions. The daily working dress cannot be worn on such occasions. One likes to have a change.

On occasions of national and international importance like the Olympics. Asia, beauty pageants, sports events, fashion shows and so on we get opportunities to see the traditional costumes.

The national leaders wear their traditional dress when they visit other nations or welcome foreign delegates.
Traditional dress is a constant source of inspiration to modern fashion and trends.

In India men wear dhoti and kurta or sometimes pyjama. The women wear saree but it is worn in different styles in different parts of the country. For instance the women in Gujarat prefer to keep the pallu in front while a working women prefers to keep the pallu at the back.

In Muslim countries the women wear salwar and kurta and a long lose robe on top. The men too wear long lose robes to protect themselves from heat.

However it is cumbersome and different to wear the traditional dress in daily life. It is difficult to maintain it. One cannot wear it and go to work. The pace of life is also too fast. That also determines ones choice of dress.

For instance the modern working woman feels more comfortable in trousers or skirts then in a saree or Japanese Kimono.

One should respect and preserve old traditions and culture. It is a nice change.

Compositions 50,51 & 52(public places and nuclear power)

Discuss the need of an international language.

Government is spending too much on painting and sculptors in public places. This money could be spent on other issues. Do you agree or disagree?

All pubic buildings are grand structures. They are imposing and are landmarks in the towns and cities. The government spends a lot on their exterior looks and beautification. Grand sculptures are put up on patent and exterior walls. Paintings of renowned painters beautify the walls and entrance of these buildings.
This ornamentation of buildings is necessary because foreign visitors and delegates visit them. A grand welcome has to be given to them. On certain occasions like national festivals and religious festivals these buildings are illuminated and decorated. People feel proud of their national buildings.
The government spends a large amount on hoardings. It tries to convey messages and create awareness about social issues. People have to be educated about certain issues like family planning, importance of education importance of women in society, and so on. It is essential for the benefit of the society. These boarding are put up at strategic places like bus stops, railway stations, parks, road crossings where a large number of people can see them.
There is no doubt that all such efforts are praiseworthy. But in my opinion it would be far better if the government controlled its expenditure on hoardings and
beautification of building and instead spend the money in actually solving the real issues.
In developing nations like India where there is widespread illiteracy, overpopulation, unemployment and other such social issues government should actually spend more on directly solving the problems then putting up hoardings and trying to educate them through them. These hoardings are quite expensive and have to be repaired and changed from time to time. The money could be directly spent on solving the actual issues.

Should government continue to maintain and develop nuclear power plants? What are the risks and benefits associated with nuclear power production?

Nuclear power is now one of the most important alternative sources of energy. It would be impossible to meet the growing demand or energy without it. Till the scientists come out with some alternative source of energy we cannot do without nuclear power.
There are many sources of energy like wind, sun, water, coal, oil and gobar gas. Gobar gas is a cheap and indigenous source of energy in rural areas. It is produced from the cow dung and reduced dependence on other forms of energy. People in rural areas in India greatly depend on this form of energy. Coal and oil are exhaustible sources of energy. While the others are inexhaustible.

Countries in the higher latitudes, cannot produce solar energy especially in winter where the sun’s rays are very feeble. All countries are not rich in hydropower and other forms of energy.
In western advanced countries nearly two thirds of the population lives in the urban areas. On the other hand there is rapid industrialization. Hence the consumption of energy is very high in these areas. Nuclear power provides a clean and a good alternative source of energy.
The advantages of nuclear power are that it causes no air pollution. The cost of production is low. It reduces the dependence on other forms of energy. It ensures a steady supply of energy.
However there are certain disadvantages too. The lives of people working in the plant as well as those living in the vicinity will be greatly endangered in case of leakage of radioactive materials from the plant. We still have no proper solution for disposal of waste. Nuclear waste is beinadumped in the sees and oceans which can endanger the marine life. It is also dumped deep into the earth, which can pollute the soil or underground water. h '
All that can be said for the time being is that nuclear power offers a good alternative till research for some better forms of energy goes. On the other hand we must make use of other renewable sources of energy wherever possible.

Compositions 48 & 49(media and Sports person)

In almost every country there are laws regulating the content of films, videos, books and newspapers. Should the media be controlled in this way? What are the benefits and risks of censorship?

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right. In every democracy, media has an important role to play. It is granted freedom and it has to give a true picture of events to the public. The public too can express thoughts and make use of their freedom of speech.
However in most countries, the government sets up censor board to monitor the media in the interest of the people and the nation: newspaper, magazines, books, films, television, etc. If the government exercise control than the media can misuse the freedom for commercial gains.
The censor board has to see that there is no distortion of the truth or misinterpretation of the fact. Rumors are not exaggerated or spread. The media has to be careful in the portrayal of crime, violence etc. While reporting facts it has to be careful that crime is not glamorized. Books, films and television serials
should not show violence and crime. Poor quality films sometimes show obscurity, vulgarism, violence, crime, etc. It has an adverse effect on the minds of the children and the youngsters. It should not encourage the children to imitate what they hear or see in their real life and thus increase the crime rate.
Sometimes the politicians misuse the media for their benefit to promote their selfish interests.
They are also to report nothing but the truth. However sometimes the truth is too harsh to digest and has to be diluted in the interest of the public. It arouses negative emotions and thoughts like anger, frustration, depression, hopelessness, etc. Truth on the other hand educates the public about the harsh realities of life. One can become more cautions and responsible.
News editors have to be very selective and careful in publishing news. They have to keep many factors in mind. They have to keep in mind the interests of the society, the nation and the political scenario. While it should not be hidden or diluted, bad news can be softened. Hence the censor board can play a very useful role in the interests of the society.

Sports are given a lot of public attention and sports persons are highly paid for their activities. What sacrifice do the sports persons have to make?

Sports are a part of our daily life and it also provides good entertainment. Sports are greatly encouraged by schools and educational institutions and also by the government.
Each nation has its own national game. The people of different countries have different preference. For instance in India hockey is its national game but it is also true that cricket is more popular among Indian public. In fact cricket is very popular in countries like South Arica, Australia, Pakistan, and West Indies. In USA it is rugby and soccer.
The sports persons bring glory to their nation when they get victory. The corporate houses as well as individuals give a lot of gifts to the winners of the match to boost their morale or to award their efforts. Many matches carry attractive prizes and the players become rich overnight.
Media too glamorizes sports. Advertisements, magazines, newspapers give too much publicity to sportspersons. They are portrayed as heroes or film stars. They are given offers to act in advertising films and even commercial films. They are invited to inaugurate functions.
Because they are treated as superstars, the public’s expectation is too high and thus they often remain under great pressure. In the event of defeat, they have to face the public’s anger, which can sometimes endanger their life. They are expected to perform well at the time. They have to put in great number of hours o hard work.
The other sportspersons don’t receive much publicity. They don’t receive the limelight. This is unjust. All sports should get equal importance.
Sometimes children try to copy them blindly though they may possess no rea talents and neglect their studies. Parents put pressure on their children into sports helping they will become famous one day.
Often a career in sports is short lived. They cannot pursue a separate careei seriously. The sportspersons often have to sacrifice their education or professiona career. Sometimes an injury or an accident can change their career graph anc they have to retire quite young. They are unable to live in anonymity.
I think that sportspersons are portrayed iarger than life. Sports should be given importance for its benefits like exercise and physical health. Sports should be taken in a more healthy sense. When undue importance is given to sports it invites problems like interference of politics or match fixing as it happened in cricket involving many cricketers of some countries.

Compositions 46 & 47( accidents and space exploration projects )

Governments should not be expected to take sole responsibility for reducing the number of the accidents; individual should share the responsibility. Argue for or against.

The number of accidents is increasing day by day all over the world, even in the advanced countries. There are several reasons for this. The governments of all the nations take many important steps in bringing down the number of the accidents and enforces the rules and regulations of the roads. I feel most of the responsibility must be shouldered by the individual himself. It is his own life, which is endangered.

In most of the instances we see that it is the individual himself that is responsible for the accident. They are either ignorant or careless about the traffic rules. Some people have no road manners. They always want to get ahead of others. They are not self-disciplined.

The pace of life has increased. People are always in a hurry.As the population is increasing steadily the number of vehicles is also increasing day by day. Hence increases the traffic on the roads.
Some people don’t maintain their vehicles well. They don’t have their front or backlight in working conditions. They use loud horns, which distracts other travellers.

Drowsiness is another common cause of accidents. Those who undertake long journeys and haven’t drive for long hours are likely to experience drowsiness while driving.

Sometimes the driver is drunk. This is particularly true in the case of truck drivers. In America the host does not allow his guests to drive in a drunken state for in case of an accident it is the host who gets penalized. He takes necessary precautions by making a guest to drop the drunken guest or get him a taxi.
The youngsters play loud music or indulge in conversation while driving.

Sometimes the parents allow their young children to drive vehicles although they are unengaged. Parents should not give such liberties to their youngsters. Instead they should educate them about traffic manners.
Hence we can easily see why the individual himself must be responsible for the safety of his life. 
The government should increase awareness about the traffic rules among the people through media like television, newspapers, magazines, etc. Children should be taught traffic rules in schools and colleges. Speed breakers and signboards can also guide the people. The traffic rules should be strictly enforced so that the defaulters are not allowed to get away with it. However if the individual is bothered for his own safety than there is little else that the government can do.

Billions of dollars go into space exploration projects yearly. Some people feel that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth. Discuss reasons supporting both opinions.

 Sate and support your opinion.
Science has made remarkable progress. Space explorations are an important achievement or science. A great deal of progress has been made in space explorations and it has benefited in many ways.
Latest and accurate reports of weather conditions and forecast would be impossible. Most countries have their own satellites, which send pictures of the weather conditions. Lives of thousands of people can be saved by providing prior information about calamities like floods or storms through radio or television. The farmer all over the world are dependent on such forecast.
Satellites send information related to geographical study maps, space, other planets and stars.
Mobile phones and internet connections are all through satellites. We can communicate with friends, relatives and business contacts in any parts of the world. The internet is an ocean of knowledge.
On television we can watch live telecast of events taking place in other parts of the world. The television has direct connections with the satellite and we are able to watch programmes being telecast from different countries.
Man is curious to know all about the universe. He wants to know all about its origin, stars and the planets. This knowledge is useful in many ways. A day will come when man will try to set up colonies on the moon. He is very eager to know if life is possible on other planets.
There is another opinion that such a heavy expenditure on space explorations is not justified when there are so many problems being faced by mankind. The money being spent on space research by the advanced nations could be spent in helping the poor and developing nations. These nations suffer from poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and lack of basic facilities like education, health, research, industrialization, transportation, and so on. The advanced nations should restrict their expenditure on space research and come forward to help the poor nations.
We can conclude that space exploration must go on but at a slower pace. Any money spent should ultimately benefit mankind. Resources should be spent on solving the problems on the earth. The rich and the advanced nations should not overspend on space explorations.

Compositions 43,44 & 45(advertising ,overseas and Tourism )

What are the advantages of advertising in the modern world?

Advertising is indispensable in the present competitive world of business. No business can succeed without advertising. The people have to be informed about the products, services, educational institutions, employment vacancies and so on available in the market.

Hoardings on the roads attract attention of the people moving on the road. Thousands of people move on roads as they commute daily. The hoardings attract their attention. The governments can put up hoardings in public places such as railway platforms, bus stops and road crossing that create awareness among the people about important social issues like family planning, hazards of smoking or alcoholism, and so on.
There are advertisements in newspapers and magazines on cosmetics, food items, medicines, showrooms, educational institutions, electric items, and so on in all the languages. Therefore all people are able to get the message.

Television advertising is very creative and interesting. They become favorites among the households and the children.Without advertising which is creative and interesting one would not be aware of the different brands of the same product as well as the advantages of the various products.

Advertising is an industry, which provides employment to many people. It is a very creative field. Young girls and boys who are good looking or talented enter this field.Advertising provides a good source of income to papers, magazines, television industry and the government too.

More and more young people are studying and working overseas and this will help to bring about great international cooperation in the future.

Rapid improvement in transportation and communication facilities has made the world a smaller place. The nations too are making great efforts to be friendly and cooperative. They are now more interdependent in areas like industry, business, technology, trade and commerce, education, health financial aid and so on. We now think of a global culture.

Due to good facilities of transportation and communication and more people have begun to go for further studies. The educational institutions have begun skilled and cheap labour from developing nations. The people from these countries are also eager to go abroad as they are paid higher.

When students and professionals go abroad they get an opportunity to interact with people from other backgrounds. This widens their mental horizon. They get international exposure. They learn to appreciate and understand cultural differences. In fact this may even lead to intermingling of cultures and marriages between persons of different cultures takes place.

Every nation is eager to promote friendly relations. This will prevent wars. The world has already experienced two world wars.

International cooperation is required in several other areas like environmental issue, disarrange - scientific and technological progress, drug problem, curbing international violence and crime, etc. Most advanced nations help Jhe developing nations in their economic growth and technological progress.

Hence migration of people from their homeland to foreign land is a welcome development to promote international relations. This is an age of globalization. It will bring the nations together and unite into a family.

Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of resources to many countries but disadvantages should not be overlooked. How does tourism affect the culture of a country?

Tourism is a very important industry in many nations. The governments provide incentives to boost industry, as it is a source of valuable foreign exchange. These places are visited by hundreds of visitors daily.
The economy of some nations like New Zealand, Nepal, Mauritius, Switzerland, Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nikobar islands is fully dependent on tourism.

To boost this industry, transportation, fairs, exhibitions, cultural events are held. Hotels, roads restaurants and markets come up to take advantage of the opportunities. The government broadens the roads and provides basic amenities like transportation, communication,water supply and so on
Many opportunities to earn livelihood arise for the locals and their standard of living goes up.

Tourism industry leads to a host of problems. First of all tourism leads to the destruction of the beauty the people come to enjoy. The modern constructions spoil the natural beauty of that area. The difficulties arise for the people living in that area. Tourism promotes anti-social activities like smuggling and drug trafficking.
The traffic increases and so does the pollution. The pollution damages the greenery of the area. One can see the coaches littered with garbage. People who go for mountaineering and trekking to the hilly areas leave behind tins and packets which are littered all over the place. In high altitudes the garbage does not decompose due to the low temperatures.

The culture of the foreigners influences the people living in this area. This happens especially in the developing and poor nations. They blindly try to copy them. The foreigners carry away the antiquities of the places illegally.

Hence though tourism industry is an important source of revenue one cannot overlook at disadvantages. The government has to be vigilant and keep an eye on the developments in that area. Nature beauty has to be preserved at the same time allowing the human beings to enjoy it.

Compositions 41 & 42(newspaper and Drug abuse)

Have newspapers become a medium of the past or do they still play important role in people's lives.

Newspapers play a very important role in our daily lives. 

The day begins with it. It is as important as the early bedtime tea. The very sound of the newspaper being flung by the newspaperman is welcome.

The newspaper makes the first announcement of the day’s news. More detailed information is sometimes available in the newspaper than on even television. Local news can be had in more details from the newspaper.

There is more pleasure in reading than in listening to it on the television or the radio. We can read the news about the main political developments within the country and of other countries too. Local news refer to accidents, crimes, deaths and even birthdays.

The second page carries information about programmers on radio and television as well as train schedules. There are weather forecasts for each.Different business advertise about their products and services. Newspaper is one of the best media for advertisements. People too look out for job vacancies.The index of stock market is published daily.Educational institutions advertise about admissions.The editorial page contains interesting articles, which are largely educative. A platform is provided to the readers to make their contribution to express their complaints or creativity.

There are separate pages for sports news, national as well as international. There are jokes and cartoons.
On Sundays there are matrimonial advertisements, weekly prediction for different horoscopes and magazine supplements carrying articles on all variety of topics.

Television, radio and internet can never replace newspaper. It is cheap and affordable by all sections. Those who don’t have time to watch the television at home depend solely on the newspaper for the news. Besides it enriches our knowledge and language. The pleasure of reading cannot be replaced by the visual medium.

Drug abuse has become a major social problem in many parts of the world. Discuss the consequence of drug abuse and ways to deal with the problem.

Drug abuse is one of the major social problems in many countries of the world. In fact it is international problem. The victims are people of all age groups and all sections of the society. The drug peddlers smuggle drugs in and out of the countries with ease. The governments are able to do little about it.
Often the youngsters under the influence of the friends start taking drugs. They sometimes do it in fashion and later get addicted. There are even instances of school children taking to drugs. After addiction they find jt difficult to leave this bad
habit. Often the parents get to know about it only when it is too late. 
Among the poor sections of the society people face a lot of hardships in life as many are unemployed. Due to lack of education or inadequate education they don’t get good jobs. This creates a lot of frustration, anger and suffering. To escape all these problems such people start taking drugs.
People may have other problems like marital or financial. Sometimes they are from well off families but suffering from lack of parental love and affection, broken love affairs and so on force people to take to drugs. This leads to increase in the number of crimes. The youngsters are easy targets. The anti-social elements want to make money out of drug trafficking.
The governments of all the countries should make joint efforts to solve the problems of drug trafficking because it is a world problem. So far we have failed to find a permanent and effective solution to this serious problem.
In all the countries there should be rehabilitation centers in order to de-addict the drug users. In schools and colleges students should be educated about the harmful effects of the drugs. The government should educate and increase awareness in the people through media like newspaper, television, magazines, advertisements, films, etc. Social organizations should come forward to serve the society in this respect.

Compositions 39 & 40 (Pets and Zoos)

Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but poor alternatives to a natural .environment. Discuss some of the arguments for against keeping animals in zoos.

There are zoos in every major towns and cities where many varieties of animals are kept. Many of them are brought from distant lands. It is not possible for people to travel to other countries or go to the jungles to see animals. Most of these animals are wild are wild and have been brought from jungles. We can see them at one place.

One gets a first hand experience by visiting zoos. The knowledge one acquires from pictures given in books is not sufficient. Schools also take their children to zoos. Zoos also have entertainment value for children, young and old alike.

All these animals that are brought to the zoos are removed from that natural habitat where they had been living in suitable climatic conditions. They were able to fond for themselves. The zoo authorities create a natural environment in the cages but that is a poor alternative to the natural environment. Sometimes the animals are unable to survive in this new climate. They fall ill. The cages built for them are too small. They are often dirty and foul smelling. They show disturbed behavior and refuse to eat. They even cry.

Pets should be treated like family members. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give reasons to support your opinion.

Some people are fond of animals. They like to keep them as pets in their homes. The most common animals are cats, dogs, birds and even fish. Animals are good companions and playing with them can be a good way of passing time. They are intelligent and become friendly.

They are useful to us in many ways. The dogs guard our homes. Birds and fish add beautify to our homes. It is a matter of pride for some people to own pets. All don’t have the time and money to keep pets.
The pets too become emotionally attached to their masters. They can very effectively express feelings and emotions. Their love is selfless. Hence they should be treated like family members.

Sometimes people ill-treat animals or do not care for them due to lack of funds or lack of time. Special care has to be taken when they are brought in the house. The animals take some days to adjust to the new home. They become unhappy or mentally disturbed for a few days. They sometimes refuse to eat. They even cry. They fall ill. Sometimes they even die. Hence we must give them all our love and affection. We should take care of the diet. We must bathe and clean them properly and give them medical treatment when they fall ill.
There are instances when people turn out dogs into the streets because they feel they cannot take care of them. Such dogs get upset, terrified, feel lost and often fall ill. They are unable to find food for themselves. Often the dogs of the locality attack them. When cows turn dry or the camels are, unable to pull load they are left on the streets to feed for themselves. Very often, they die due to lack of food or negligence.

Nowadays people have less time in their hands. Life has become fast paced. People want to make qualitative and productive use of their time. The stress is more on personal development. They would rather learn a new skill or go for some healthy sports. Hence people should think twice before adopting pet animals. They should not change their minds or find that they cannot take care of their animals well.

Animals are living creatures. We have no right to cause harm or suffering by neglecting them. It is our moral duty to take care of them. Once they give up living in their natural habitat, their habits get changed. They lose their natural instincts of hunting or aggressiveness. They become more timid or tame.